The Azure management portal is showing a notification for a scheduled maintenance operation that will cause cloud services to experience a brief outage. I haven’t seen this posted publicly anywhere and wanted to help make this known. I am copying the details as shown in the Azure management portal.
If your cloud service is temporarily unavailable today, it could be due to a maintenance window starting in 1.5 hours from now.
9/16/2014 4:26:28 PM
SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE: Cloud Services Maintenance in Europe West, Europe North, US East, US West, US North, US South, Asia East, Asia South East regions – Starting 19th Sep 8PM – 11PM UTC [North Central US]
NO ACTION REQUIRED. Maintenance is scheduled for some Microsoft Azure Cloud Services in the Europe West, Europe North, US East, US West, US North, US South, Asia East, Asia South East regions. We will be migrating some of your Cloud Services to newer load balancers starting 19th Sept. 2014 8:00PM UTC and ending 19th Sept 2014 11:00PM UTC. During the maintenance window, each of your impacted Cloud Services will experience a one-time VIP outage of up to two (2) minutes. This message will be saved to your Ops Logs once maintenance is completed.